Handsome boy from Bengaluru

Articles from Shiva Shankar R. Shetty

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Capital profit is any profit which is not a revenue profit. However this is an indicative/guiding definition which does not clarify as to what are the transactions results in to capital profit. To understand capital profit better, capital profit arises due to the following :

– an asset is sold for more than the cost,
– write back of certain capital receipts like loan received are no more payable and hence written back in the profit and loss account.
– upward revaluation of assets/downward revaluation of long term liability
– profit on forfeiture of shares.

The specific definition of capital profit is given in the Guidance note on terms used in Financial Statements issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (‘ICAI’) which reads as under : –

Capital Profit – Excess of proceeds realized from the sale, transfer or exchange of the whole or a part of a capital asset over its cost. When the result of this computation is negative it is referred to as capital loss. 

The next question is what should be the accounting treatment of the capital profit in the books. There are two views, one transfer the same to capital reserves and second transfer the same to profit and loss account if permitted by accounting standards notified under the Companies Accounting Standard rules, 2000 (as amended) (‘Rules’). To understand the first view we need to know what is the definition of capital reserve?

Let us now explore the meaning of capital reserve. Capital reserve is the transfer of capital profit to reserve as mandated in certain cases by the regulation governing the entity. E.g. in case of redemption of preference shares an amount equal to face value of preference share capital is to be transferred from free reserve to capital redemption reserve (capital redemption reserve is type of capital reserve). There are certain other transactions where the capital profit is transferred directly to capital reserve without routing the same through the profit and loss account. However when we look at specific definition of the capital reserve the guidance can be drawn from the Guidance note on terms used in Financial Statements (‘GN’) issued by ICAI and part III of schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 which reads as under:

Capital Reserve – A reserve of a corporate enterprise which is not available for distribution as dividend. Capital reserve as per Part III of schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 gives the “interpretation”-of Capital reserve “the expression capital reserve shall not include an amount regarded as free for distribution through the profit and loss account.”

The implication of profit being capital in nature or revenue in nature can have far-reaching implications in terms of its impact on availability of profit for payment of managerial remuneration, its availability for distribution to the shareholders as dividend and its taxability. Hence the question of any profit being of capital in nature or revenue in nature and further its accounting treatment warrants special attention.
Under the Companies Act sub-section (3) of section 349 reads as under :

“In making the computation aforesaid, credit shall not be given for the following sums : –
(a) profits, by way of premium, on shares or debentures of the company, which are issued or sold by the company;
(b) profits on sales by the company of forfeited shares;
(c) profits of a capital nature including profits from the sale of the undertaking or any of the undertakings of the
company or of any part thereof,
(d) profits from the sale of any immovable property or fixed assets of a capital nature comprised in the undertaking or any of the undertakings of the company, unless the business of the company consists, whether wholly or partly, of buying and selling any such property or assets :
Provided that where the amount for which any fixed asset is sold exceeds the written-down value thereof referred to in section 350, credit shall be given for so much of the excess as is not higher than the difference between the original cost of that fixed asset and its written-down value.”

Thus the Companies Act very specifically states (through the above proviso) that the profit on sale of asset resulting in capital profit need to be deducted for computing the managerial remuneration. However one need to be very careful about the interpretation of capital profit here. As already explained, capital profit is the profit over the original cost which sometimes misinterpreted as the profit on sale of asset while calculating the managerial remuneration resulting in lower profit available for managerial remuneration. Following is an example explaining the concept of capital profit, revenue profit and profit of capital nature to be
deducted in calculating the managerial remuneration :
Original cost of an asset                                Rs. 100
WDV at the end of 6 years                           Rs. 40
                                                             Scenario 1                   Scenario 2
Sale proceeds at the end                            Rs. 120                       Rs. 80
of six years
Profit on sale of asset                                  Rs. 80                        Rs. 40
                                                          (Rs. 120-Rs. 40)            (Rs. 80-Rs. 40)
Capital profit incl in above                           Rs. 20                        Rs. Nil
profit                                                   (Rs. 120-Rs. 100)
Revenue profit                                             Rs. 60                        Rs. 40
Profit to be deducted for                              Rs. 20
arriving at the profit to be                          (and not Rs. 80)
considered for the
Managerial remuneration

Section 205 of the Companies Act deals with the profit available for dividend. It reads as under : No dividend shall be declared or paid by a company for any financial year except out of the profits of the company for that year arrived at after providing for depreciation in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2) or out of the profits of the company for any previous financial year or years arrived at after providing for depreciation in accordance with those provisions and remaining undistributed or out of both or out of moneys provided by the Central Government or a State Government for the payment of dividend in pursuance of a guarantee given by that Government :
Provided that –(a) if the company has not provided for depreciation for any previous financial year or years which falls or fall after the commencement of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1960 it shall, before declaring or paying dividend for any financial year provide for such depreciation out of the profits of that financial year or out of the profits of any other previous financial year or years;
(b) if the company has incurred any loss in any previous financial year or years, which falls or fall after the commencement of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1960 then, the amount of the loss or an amount which is equal to the amount provided for depreciation for that year or those years whichever is less, shall be set off against the profits of the company for the year for which dividend is proposed to be declared or paid or against the profits of the company for any previous financial year or years, arrived at in both cases after providing for deprecation in accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) or against both;
(c) the Central Government may, if it thinks necessary so to do in the public interest, allow any company to declare or pay dividend for any financial year out of the profits of the company for that year or any previous financial year or years without providing for depreciation :

Provided further that it shall not be necessary for a company to provide for depreciation as aforesaid where dividend for any financial year is declared or paid out of the profits of any previous financial year or years which falls or fall before the commencement of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1960.

As dividend can be distributed from net profits of the current year after providing for aforementioned items including depreciation, we need to understand the meaning of profits for the year. Guidance can be drawn from Para 5 of Accounting Standard (‘AS’) 5. All items of income and expense which are recognised in a period should be included in the determination of net profit or loss for the period unless an Accounting Standard requires or permits otherwise. Anything which is credited to the profit and loss account of the current year is included in the profit for the year in terms of the definition given in the AS 5 issued by ICAI. Further, AS 10 (Accounting for fixed assets) vide para 14.3 provides that in historical cost financial statements, gains or losses arising on disposal are generally recognised in the profit and loss statement.

This clearly indicates that irrespective of whether the profit on disposal of assets is revenue or capital in nature the same has to be credited to profit and loss account. (In the example given in the table above in both scenario Rs 80 and Rs 40 will be credited to profit and loss account)

Now the question is, even though the above forms part of net profit for the year is there any restriction in the Companies Act which restrict the distribution of capital profit to shareholders? (like it does have for managerial remuneration as explained in the earlier section). The answer to that is, that the Companies Act is silent as to whether capital profit is distributable as dividend or not. However courts have adopted liberal view in this regard. In Lubbock v Bank of South America Ltd., the Court expressed the view that capital profit on sale of assets is distributable as dividend. However questions as to appreciation of value in assets is also capital profit and hence distributable as dividend has been discussed in various decisions and finally the same has been settled by concluding that the unrealized gain is not distributable as dividend. Hence though realized capital profit is distributable as dividend, the unrealized profit is not distributable as dividend.

The dividend so declared will be exempt in the hands of recipient of the dividend. However the companies distributing the same will have to pay dividend distribution tax @15% plus surcharge.1 Further, under provisions of income tax sale proceeds have no connection to the taxability of profit due to block of asset concept which is being followed in the Income tax. (However the block of assets and related issues are not covered in this article but interested reader may refer section 32, 43 of Income-Tax Act, 1961.)

Another aspect which needs consideration of Indian companies going forward while revaluing their assets is as to whether the capital profit arising from such revaluation will be available or not for distribution to shareholders. The same will be considered for the purpose of calculation of Minimum alternate tax liability in terms of proposed DTC. As per proposed DTC, MAT will be calculated as 2% of total assets. This means that higher tax will have to be paid if the book assets are upward revalued though the same is not realized.

The capital profit can be classified in to realizable and non realizable profit. Non realizable capital profit can never be distributed as dividend to shareholders unless the same is realized. In respect of realizable capital profit if it is permitted to credit the same to the profit and loss account in the light of prevalent AS being notified under the Rules, the same can be distributed as dividend. For managerial remuneration computation, capital profit being explicitly excluded in terms of sec 349 from profit available for managerial remuneration the same will need to be excluded.

1. Raised to 18 per cent vide Finance Act 2010 

(Published in Chartered Secretary October 2010 - ICSI)
Kevin Daftary, Manager, S.R. Batliboi & Co., Mumbai.

Can a listed company ‘send’ or ‘supply’ its annual report to its shareholders electronically

The annual report of Infosys Technologies Limited for 2009- 10 carries the following note under the title “Green Innovation”:

“During the previous year, we started a sustainability initiative with specific focus on reducing the carbon footprint involving our Annual Reports. Toward this end, we had stated that commencing fiscal 2010, our printed copy of the Annual Report to shareholders would contain only the statutory details. Accordingly, the Annual Report for the year ended March 31, 2010, contains only those details that are statutorily required to be published in the Annual Report along with Abridged Standalone Financial Statements prepared in compliance with Section 219 of the Companies Act, 1956. Additional details are available on our website, www.infosys.com. Through this initiative, we propose to reduce consumption of paper by about 100 tonnes.”

This is consonant with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs’ call through Corporate Social Responsibility Voluntary Guidelines 2009 (CSR) which is as under:“5. Respect for Environment: Companies should take measures to check and prevent pollution; recycle, manage and reduce waste, should manage natural resources in a sustainable manner and ensure optimal use of resources like land and water, should proactively respond to the challenges of climate change by adopting cleaner production methods, promoting efficient use of energy and environment friendly technologies.”

The company has sent its members abridged annual accounts in Form No. 23AB prescribed in terms of clause (iv) of the proviso to section 219(1)(b) of the Companies Act 1956 (‘the Act’), considering the environmental and cost aspect involved in printing and circulation of full annual accounts, though clause 32 of the listing agreement entered into by the company with the stock exchanges specifically requires sending the shareholders full annual accounts. Has the company committed a non-compliance with the clause 32, is the question this article examines.

Companies Act requirement
According to section 219(1) of the Act, a copy of every balance sheet (including the profit and loss account, the auditors’ report and every other document required by law to be annexed or attached, as the case may be, to the balance sheet) which is to be laid before a company in general meeting shall, not less than twenty-one days before the date of the meeting, be sent to every member of the company. Collectively these documents are called ‘annual report’. Thus, every listed company must send its members a copy of the annual report in respect of every financial year.

However, according to clause (iv) of the proviso to section 219(1), in the case of a company whose shares are listed on a recognised stock exchange, if the copies of the documents aforesaid are made available for inspection at its registered office during working hours for a period of twenty-one days before the date of the meeting and a statement containing the salient features of such documents in the prescribed form or copies of the documents aforesaid, as the company may deem fit, is sent to every member of the company and to every trustee for the holders of any debentures issued by the company not less than twenty-one days before the date of the meeting, the listed company need not comply with the proviso to section 219(1).

Listing agreement requirement
Moreover, the company must also comply with the requirement of clause 32 regarding consolidated financial statement. The requirements of the listing agreement in this regard are in addition to those under the Act; hence every listed company has to comply with both the requirements. The facility of sending abridged annual report under clause (iv) of the proviso to section 219(1) has however been made ineffective by clause 32 of the listing agreement according to which the Issuer will supply a copy of the complete and full Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and the Directors’ Report to each shareholder. The only exemption is what is stated in the second paragraph of clause 32. Clause 32 (to the extent relevant here), reads as follows:

“32. The Company will supply a copy of the complete and full Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and the Directors’ Report, to each Shareholder and upon application to any member of the Exchange. However, the company may supply single copy of complete and full Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account and Directors’ report to shareholders residing in one household (i.e., having same address in the Books of Company/ Registrars/Share transfer agents). Provided that, the company on receipt of request shall supply the complete and full Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account and Directors report also to any shareholder residing in such household. Further, the company will supply abridged Balance sheet to all the shareholders in the same household.

The Company will also give a Cash Flow Statement along with Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account. The Cash Flow Statement will be prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standard on Cash Flow Statement (AS-3) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, and the Cash Flow Statement shall be presented only under the Indirect Method as given in AS-3. The company will mandatorily publish Consolidated Financial Statements in its Annual Report in addition to the individual financial statements. The company will have to get its Consolidated Financial Statements audited by the statutory auditors of the company and file the same with the Stock Exchange.”

              Interpretation of ‘shall … be sent to every member’ and ‘supply … to each shareholder’

The words used in section 219(1) of the Act are a copy … shall be sent to every member of the company …. Thus, the verb ‘send’ is used which contemplates the act of ‘sending’ by the company to the members. Section 53(1) of the Act provides for the method of service of documents on members by a company. Its sub-section (1) states: 

“A document may be served by a company on any member thereof either personally, or by sending it by post to him to his registered address, or if he has no registered address in India, to the address, if any, within India supplied by him to the company for the giving of notices to him.” This provision also requires ‘sending’ of a document, but by ‘post’. However it also allows service of a document on a member ‘personally’.

As against these provisions of section 219, clause 32 of the listing agreement requires a listed company to supply a copy of the complete and full Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and the Directors’ Report, to each Shareholder.1 

Thus while sections 219(1)(iv) and 53 use the word ‘send’, clause 32 of the listing agreement uses the word ‘supply’. The dictionary meaning of the word ‘send’ includes “to cause to be conveyed or transmitted to a destination” [see Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary] or ‘to dispatch by a means of communication’ [Merriam Webster’s 11th Colligate Dictionary], and the word ‘supply’ includes ‘transmit, dispatch and send off/out’. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language gives the following meaning of the word ‘send’: “To dispatch, as by a communications medium: send a message by radio.” Thus both the words ‘send’ and ‘supply’ connote the act of conveying or transmitting something (a letter, document, etc).

Does annual report have to be ‘printed’?
Wherever the Legislature intended to provide that a document shall be in a printed form, it has used appropriate express wording to convey that intention. For example, the Act specifically provides in section 15 that a memorandum of association shall be ‘printed’. Section 30 provides likewise about articles of association. Sections 17(4) and 31(2A) also use the words ‘a printed copy’. Similarly, in section 241 it is provided that the inspector’s report shall be written or printed. Section 192 provides that a copy of every resolution or agreement to which this section applies shall, within thirty days after the passing or making thereof, be printed or typewritten and duly certified under the signature of an officer of the company and filed with the Registrar who shall record the same.

In contrast, neither of the sections 219 and 53 provides in express terms that the documents be sent or supplied should be in printed form. The words ‘send’ and ‘supply’ can be interpreted having regard to the modern means of communication and if so interpreted can be said to be including communication or dispatch of a document through email or internet (world wide web). Statutory interpretation vis-à-vis technological developments 

It is a well settled principle of statutory interpretation that law should keep pace with the changing environment; it should change constantly and not remain static. The legislature and the executive, the statute and administrative law-making bodies, are expected to change laws and rules to tone them with changes happening around. Courts are likewise expected to do so.

Maxwell on The Interpretation of Statutes, 12th edition deals with this fact of statutory interpretation at page 102 thus : “Extension to new things The language of a statute is generally extended to new things which were not known and could not have been contemplated when the Act was passed, when the Act deals with a genus and the thing which afterwards comes into existence was a species of it. Thus the provision of Magna Carta which exempted lords from the liability of having their carts taken for carriage was held to extend to degrees of nobility not known when it was made, such as dukes, marquises and viscounts. [2 Inst. 35]

So, the Engraving Copyright Act 1734, which imposed a penalty for piratically engraving, by etching or otherwise, or “in any other manner” copying prints and engravings, applied to copying by photography, though that process was not invented until more than a century after the Act was passed. [Gambart v. Ball (1863) 32 L.J.C.P. 166] And Edison’s telephone was held to be a “telegraph” within the meaning of the Telegraph Acts 1863 and 1869, even though it was unknown in 1869. [Att.-Gen, v. Edison Telephone Co. of London (Ltd.) (1880) 6 Q-B.D. 244]. Similarly, bicycles were held to be “carriages” within the provision of the Highway Act 1835 against furious driving, [Taylor v. Goodwin (1879) 4 Q.B.D. 228] and tricycles capable of being propelled by steam to be “locomotives” within the Locomotives Acts 1861 and 1865 [Parkyns v. Preist (1881) 7 Q.B.D. 313] though not invented when these Acts were passed.”

In G P Singh’s Principles of Statutory Interpretation, 9th edition, the principle is summarized at page 228 as follows: “It is possible that in some special cases a statute may have to be historically interpreted “as if one were interpreting it the day after it was passed.” But generally statutes are of the “always speaking variety” and the court is free to apply the current meaning of the statute to present day conditions. There are at least two strands covered by this principle. The first is that courts must apply a statute to the world as it exists today. The second strand is that the statute must be interpreted in the light of the legal system as it exists today.”

The Courts nowadays resort to what is called “creative interpretation of a statute”. Creative interpretation of the provisions of the statute demands that with the advance in science and technology, the Court should read the provisions of a statute in such a manner so as to give effect thereto.2

In State of Maharashtra v. Dr. Praful B .Desai3 court had opined that recording of evidence through Video Conferencing is permissible in terms of Section 273 of the Code of Criminal procedure. In State of Maharashtra v. Dr. Praful B. Desai AIR 2003 SC 2053; 2003 AIR SCW 1885, the Supreme Court held, with regard to section 273 of the Criminal Procedure Code 1974 (which provides that all evidence taken in the course of the trial or other proceeding shall be taken in the presence of the accused, or, when his personal attendance is dispensed with in the presence of his pleader), as to the question whether recording of evidence by video conferencing is permissible:

“Video conferencing has nothing to do with virtual reality. Advances in science and technology have now, so to say, shrunk the world. They now enable one to see and hear events, taking place far away, as they are actually talking place. Video conferencing is an advancement in science and technology which permits one to see, hear and talk with someone far away, with the same facility and ease as if he is present before you i.e. in your presence. In fact he/ she is present before you on a screen. Except for touching one can see, hear and observe as if the party is in the same room. In video conferencing both parties are in presence of each other. Recording of evidence by video conferencing also satisfies the object of providing, in section 273, that evidence be recorded in the presence of the accused. The accused and his pleader can see the witness as clearly as if the witness was actually sitting before them. … The advancement of science and technology is such that now it is possible to set up video conferencing equipment in the Court itself for recording the evidence through video conferencing.”

The superior courts must remember a well known principle of law that the court while construing an ongoing statute must take into consideration the changes in the societal condition. It would be a relevant fact. It must take into consideration the development in science and technology. For the purpose of giving an effective and meaningful construction of the provisions, the court is bound to take into consideration the situational change. The statute is an ongoing one. The Act must be interpreted differently as the court cannot ignore the ground realities.4

Bearing in mind that statutes are usually intended to operate for many years it would be most inconvenient if courts could never rely in difficult cases on the current meaning of statutes. Recognising the problem Lord Thring, the great Victorian draftsman of the second half of the last century, exhorted draftsmen to draft so that ‘An Act of Parliament should be deemed to be always speaking’ (see Practical Legislation 1902) p 83; see also Cross Statutory Interpretation (3rd edn, 1995) p 51 and Pearce and Geddes Statutory Interpretation in Australia (4th edn, 1996) pp 90–93). In cases where the problem arises it is a matter of interpretation whether a court must search for the historical or original meaning of a statute or whether it is free to apply the current meaning of the statute to present day conditions. Statutes dealing with a particular grievance or problem may
sometimes require to be historically interpreted.5

Francis Bennion in his ‘Statutory Interpretation’, 5th edition, has stressed the need to interpret a statute by giving “allowances for any relevant changes that have occurred, since the Act’s passing, in law, social conditions, technology, the meaning of words, and other matters.” He says at page 893: “In construing an ongoing Act, the interpreter is to presume that Parliament intended the Act to be applied at any future time in such a way as to give effect to the true original intention. Accordingly the interpreter is to make allowances for any relevant changes that have occurred, since the Act’s passing, in law, social conditions, technology, the meaning of words, and other matters. Just as the US Constitution is regarded as ‘a living Constitution,’ so an ongoing British Act is regarded as ‘a living Act.’ That today’s construction involves the supposition that Parliament was catering long ago for a state of affairs that did not then exist is no argument against that construction. Parliament, in the wording of an enactment, is expected to anticipate temporal developments. The drafter will try to foresee the future, and allow for it in the wording.................… An enactment of former days is thus to be read today, in the light of dynamic processing received over the years, with such modification of the current meaning of its language as will now give effect to the original legislative intention. The reality and effect of dynamic processing provides the gradual adjustment. It is constituted by judicial interpretation, year in and year out. It also comprises processing by executive officials.”

Again, at page 905, Bennion says:

“Developments in technology The nature of an ongoing Act requires the court to take into account changes in technology, and treat the statutory language as modified accordingly when this is needed to implement the legislative intention. Mann LJ relied upon this statement in holding that the reference to ‘any writing proved … to be genuine’ in the Criminal Procedure Act 1865 Section 8 (which permits comparison of a disputed writing with any such genuine writing) must now be taken to allow comparison with a photocopy of the genuine writing since the legislators of 1865 could not have foreseen ‘the facsimile reproductions which now we both suffer and enjoy’.”6

In Statutory Interpretation by Cross, 3rd edition, page 52 it is stated: 

“… the courts regularly apply a statutory provision to new developments in technology or society which come within its original purpose and wording. The former situation can be illustrated by Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom v. Department of Health and Social Security [1981] 1 All ER 545. The Abortion Act 1967 permitted the termination of a pregnancy ‘by a registered medical practitioner’ in certain circumstances. At the time, only surgical and intra-amniotic methods existed for terminating a pregnancy, and both required the continuous presence of a doctor. However, since 1971 a new, extra-amniotic method had become current, which involved inducing the abortion over a long period of up to 30 hours by the administration of a drug, prostaglandin. The Department of Health and Social Security advised that, as long as a doctor approved and initiated the process, a nurse could lawfully continue it, starting and regulating the actual supply of the drug. The Royal College of Nursing sought a declaration that this advice was incorrect, and that the Act did not protect the nurse in the application of extra-amniotic methods. The House of Lords upheld the view of the department, the majority reasoning that the new method came within the purpose of the Act, designed to liberalise legal abortions. The inclusion of a telephone within the notion of ‘telegraph’ in the Telegraph Act 1869 [A-G v. Edison Telephone Co (1880) 6 QBD 244], or a microfilm within that of ‘bankers books’ in the Bankers Books Evidence Act 1879 [Barker v. Wilson [1980] 2 All ER 82 are further examples of this process.”

The courts are alive to the need for forward-looking interpretation since ancient times. Thus, Communication by telephone was held to be a ‘telegraph’, within the meaning of Telegraphs Acts of 1863 and 1869, notwithstanding that the telephone had not been invented or contemplated when those Acts were passed. [Attorney General v. Edison Telephone Co Ltd [1880] 6 QBD 244.

In Barker v. Wilson [1980] 2 All ER 82, section 9 of the Bankers’ Books Evidence Act 1879, provided that “Expressions in this Act relating to “bankers’ books” include ledgers, day books, cash books, account books,  and all other books used in the ordinary business of the bank.’” It was held that For the purposes of section 9 of the Bankers’ Books Evidence Act 1879 ‘bankers’ books’ include a record of a customer’s transactions and details of cheques recorded by a bank on microfilm, and accordingly such microfilm may be used for the purpose of proving banking transactions in legal proceedings in accordance with the 1879 Act. Bridge J said:

“The Bankers’ Books Evidence Act 1879 was enacted with the practice of bankers in 1879 in mind. It must be construed in 1980 in relation to the practice of bankers as we now understand it. So construing the definition of ‘bankers’ books’ and the phrase ‘an entry in a banker’s book’, it seems to me that clearly both phrases are apt to include any form of permanent record kept by the bank of transactions relating to the bank’s business, made by any of the methods which modern technology makes available, including, in particular, microfilm.” [emphasis mine].

There are a few recent instances of courts adopted forwardlooking approach to interpretation of law. In SIL Import v. Exim Aides Silk Exporters 1999 AIR SCW 1218; (1999) 4 SCC 567; [1999] 97 Comp Cas 575 (SC), the Supreme Court has applied this canon to interpret the expression ‘notice in writing’ in section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act as including notice sent by fax. The court said: When the legislature contemplated that notice in writing should be given to the drawer of the cheque, the legislature must be presumed to have been aware of the modem devices and equipment already in vogue and also in store for future. If the court were to interpret the words “giving notice in writing” in the section as restricted to the customary mode of sending notice through postal service or even by personal delivery, the interpretative process would fail to cope up with the change of time.

Facsimile (or fax) is a way of sending handwritten or printed or typed material as well as pictures by wire or radio. In the West such mode of transmission came to wide use even way back in the late 1930s. By 1954 the International News Service began to use facsimile quite extensively. Technological advancement like facsimile, internet, e-mail etc. were in swift progress even before the Bill for the Amendment Act was discussed by Parliament. So when Parliament contemplated notice in writing to be given we cannot overlook the fact that Parliament was aware of modem devices and equipment already in vogue.

Francis Bennion in Statutory Interpretation has stressed the need to interpret a statute by making “allowances for any relevant changes that have occurred, since the Act’s passing, in law, social conditions, technology, the meaning of words, and other matters”.

For the need to update legislations, the courts have the duty to use interpretative process to the fullest extent permissible by the enactment. The following passage at p. 167 of the above book has been quoted with approval by a three-Judge Bench of this Court in State v. S. J. Choudhary ((1996) 2 SCC 428 : 1996 SCC (Cri) 336) :

“It is presumed that Parliament intends the court to apply to an ongoing Act a construction that continuously updates its wording to allow for changes since the Act was initially framed (an updating construction). While it remains law, it is to be treated as always speaking. This means that in its application on any date, the language of the Act, though necessarily embedded in its own time, is nevertheless to be construed in accordance with the need to treat it as current law.”

So if the notice envisaged in clause (b) of the Proviso to Section 138 was transmitted by fax it would be in compliance with the legal requirement.

The above pragmatic and progressive interpretation of the expression “notice in writing” would be relevant in connection with the identical expression in section 286 of the Companies Act which provides that notice of every meeting of the Board of directors of a company shall be given in writing to every director for the time being in India, and at his usual address in India to every other director.

As regards the holding of meetings of board of directors or shareholders, the Act does not define the word ‘meeting’. One of the canons of interpretation of statutes, as laid down by the courts in India in a number of cases, is that when a word is used but not defined in a statute, it should be interpreted by its ordinary meaning and in such a case dictionary is the guide. As such, the word ‘meeting’, in the context of the Act, ought to be interpreted in its ordinary meaning, i.e. the coming together of two or more persons face to face so as to be in other’s company. This implies that for there to be a meeting, everyone participating in the meeting must be in the same place, face to face; present bodily, conferring together, so that a meeting through audio or audio-visual links is no meeting to satisfy the law. It was held in an old English case that it is possible to show that the word “meeting” has a different meaning from the ordinary meaning, but where that is not shown, a meeting could no more be constituted by one person than a meeting could have been constituted if no shareholder at all had attended. [Sharp v. Dawes (1876) 2 QB 26]. Thus, for a meeting, there must be at least two persons. [Ibid]; see also Re Sanitary Carbon Co. (1877) WN 223; State of Kerala v. West Coast Planters Agencies Ltd (1958) 28 Comp Cas 13 Ker)].

However, a case which interpreted the word ‘meeting’ in the context of a shareholders’ meeting in a wider connotation in consonance with the technological advancement is the UK’s Court of Appeal’s decision in Byng v. London Life Associaiton Ltd (1989) 5 BCC 227 (CA): (1989) 2 CLA 16. The court said that the rationale behind the requirement for meetings in the Companies Act is that the members shall be able to attend in person so as to debate and vote on matters affecting the company. Until recently this could only be achieved by everyone being physically present in the same room face to face. Given modern technological advances, the same result can now be achieved without all the members coming face to face; without being physically, present in the same room they can be electronically in each other’s presence so as to hear and be heard and to see and be seen. The fact that such a meeting could not have be foreseen in the time the first statutory requirements for meetings were laid down, doesnot mean that such a meeting is not within the meaning of the word “meeting” in the Companies Act.

In Selvarajan & Co v Registrar (1987) 62 Comp Cas 220: (1986) 3 Comp LJ 725 (Mad), the Madras High Court interpreted the word ‘printed’ having regard to technological advancement and held that the word ‘printed’ in section 15 of the Act must be interpreted as including computer-printed documents.

“With the advancement of printing technology, computer printing fulfils every requirement of printing. … Law is
never static, but it is dynamic. Looked at from the point of view, the word “printing” cannot be so technically construed, as the Registrar would have it, to enable him to contend that this will water down the statutory requirements. If, as quoted above from Bouvier’s Law Dictionary printing is the art of impressing letter and it is a process of multiplying the copies of a composition by sheets, certainly, computer-printing clearly falls within the definition. Obstacles should not be thrown on the road to scientific progress by these orthodox representations, unmindful of the great changes taking place with scientific technological advancement. In this connection, I am tempted to quote Viscount Simon.

“Qui haeret in litera haeret in cortice. He who clings to the letter clings to the dry barren shell and misses the truth and substance of the matter.” [1952] AC 166, 183.7 

.”, the Court said.

It is also relevant to state that, the effect on the environment may also be considered to be a relevant factor in interpreting a law in the present context (which was not considered as seriously in the past as it is today). 

It is said that in interpreting a statutory provision the courts should take into account not only technological changes but also changes in the society which have occurred since the law was enacted. As noted earlier, In Statutory Interpretation by Cross, 3rd edition, page 52 it is stated that the courts regularly apply a statutory provision to new developments in technology or society which come within its original purpose and wording.

Information Technology Act Section 4 of the Information Technology Act, 2000, provides as under:

“4. Legal recognition of electronic records. – Where any law provides that information or any other matter shall be in writing or in the typewritten or printed form, then, notwithstanding anything contained in such law, such requirement shall be deemed to have satisfied if such information or matter is-
(a) rendered or made available in an electronic form; and
(b) accessible so as to be usable for a subsequent reference.”

In view of the words “notwithstanding anything contained in such law” section 4 of the Information Technology Act overrides the Companies Act and listing agreement. Hence if the unabridged annual report comprising full balance sheet, profit and loss account and the directors’ report and consolidated financial statements in addition to the individual financial statements) are made available in electronic form and the same is accessible so as to be usable for a subsequent reference, it will amount to necessary compliance with section 219 of the Act as well as clause 32 of the listing agreement. Thus ‘sending’ or ‘supplying’ unabridged annual report or even abridged one would comply with both the requirements.

SEBI’s proposal that is not yet implementd
In the circular SEBI/CFD/DIL/LA/2/2007/ 26/4 dated April 26, 2007 issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India and contended that it has not been rescinded and that the Company has not come across any subsequent superseding circular rescinding this circular, the Securities and Exchange Board of India had declared its intention to amend clause 32 of the listing agreement, which, inter alia, stated:

“I. The extant Clause 32 of the Equity Listing Agreement requires listed companies to supply a copy of the complete and full Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Directors’ report to each shareholder and upon application to any member of the Exchange. This requirement was stipulated at a time when information dissemination was at the barest minimum and the Annual Report of the company containing the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account was the only means through which the shareholders of the company could keep themselves informed about the affairs of the company.

II. In the context of changes brought about in the market scenario, SEBI reviewed the existing provisions of Clause 32 of the Equity Listing Agreement, particularly in the light of (i) the need to contain rising cost of compliance and (ii) the measures taken to enhance disclosures which has enabled availability of information about listed companies in public domain such as the website of the company, of the stock exchanges, of the Common Filing Platform website jointly maintained by BSE and NSE i.e www.corpfiling.co.in etc.

III. Having regard to the above, SEBI has decided to amend Clause 32 of the Equity Listing Agreement to align it with the provisions of Section 219(iv) of the Companies Act i.e. to permit listed companies to send a statement containing the salient features of the (i) Balance Sheet, (ii) the Profit and Loss Account and (iii) the Auditors’ Report instead of sending full Balance Sheet and Annual Report.”

But this proposal seems to have not been implemented nor has the circular been withdrawn.

As per recent amendment to Clause 51 and 52 of the Listing Agreement (Refer to SEBI Circular Number CIR/CFD/ DCR/3/2010 dated April 16, 2010), even Stock Exchanges have directed the listed companies to submit annual report copy electronically to them so that they can upload same for dissemination to the investors, besides sending hard copy.


1. Incidentally, it is now well settled by a series of decisions of Supreme Court and High Court that the terms ‘member’ and ‘shareholder’ are synonymous under the Companies Act. “In the case of a company limited by  shares, a member is a person holding shares in the company; there can be no membership, i.e. proprietary relationship to a company, otherwise than through the medium of shareholding. Consequently, the terms  “member” and “shareholder” are synonymous ….” [Palmer’s Company Law, 25th edition, para 7.001]. The expressions “member”, “shareholder” and “the holder of a share” are used in the Act in the same sense,  meaning persons holding shares in a company and registered as such in the register of members of the company. see Balkrishna Gupta v. Swadeshi Polytex Ltd. (1985) 58 Comp Cas 563 (SC); Howrah Trading Co Ltd v. CIT (1959) 29 Comp Cas 282 (SC); Hindustan Investment Corpn Ltd. v. CIT (1955) 25 Comp Cas 57 (Cal); Killick Nixon v. Bank of India (1985) 57 Comp Cas 831 (Bom).

2. Suresh Jindal v. BSES Rajdhani Power Limited and Ors. 2007 AIR SCW 6748.

3. (2003)4 SCC 601.

5. R v. Ireland [1997] 4 All ER 225 (HL).

6. Lockheed-Arabia Corpn v Owen [1993] QB 806 at 814; [1993] 3 All ER 641.

7. Qui haeret in litera haeret in cortice is a legal maxim meaning “He who considers merely letter of an instrument goes but skin-deep into its meaning.”

(Published in Chartered Secretary Dec 2010 - ICSI)
Author: Dr. K.R. Chandratre, FCS, Practising Company Secretary, Pune 

whether two different cases against two different companies under the same group can be clubbed together?

624 of 2010 Vikramajit Sen & Mukta Gupta, JJ.[Decided on 12/11/2010]
Civil Procedure Code – Section 24 – Two different cases against two different companies under the same group – Whether suits to be clubbed and tried together – Held, No.

Brief facts : M/s. Rathi Steels Ltd., a company incorporated under the Companies Act filed a Suit against M/s. Raheja Developers Pvt. Ltd. a company also incorporated under the Companies Act under Order XXXVII for recovery of a sum of ‘29,81,601/- in this Court being CS (OS) No.2481/2009. Yet another Suit was filed by M/s. Rathi Ferrous Trading Pvt. Ltd., the Respondent herein against M/s. Raheja Builders Pvt. Ltd. both being companies duly incorporated under the Companies Act under Order XXXVII for recovery of a sum of ‘11,48,058/- before the District Judge, Karkardooma Courts, Shahdara, New Delhi. The appellant filed a transfer petition under Section 24 of the CPC seeking transfer and thus clubbing of two Suits for being tried together, by two different companies though under the same flagship pending in different Courts. The Single Judge dismissed the petition against which an appeal was preferred to the Division Bench. It is contended by learned counsel for the Appellant that the parties in both the Suits are the same being the same group companies and the dispute in the two suits is as regard the supply of HSD Bars to the Appellant group companies, thus in the interest of both the parties these Suits should be tried together in this Court.

Decision : Appeal dismissed with costs.

Reason : CS (OS) 2481/2009 filed in this Court under Order XXXVII CPC was on 1st June, 2010, ordered to be tried as an ordinary Suit and thus will now have to undergo the normal rigors of the trial. Apparently, it is this decision of this Court to try CS (OS) 2481/2009 as an ordinary Suit which prompts the Appellant to file the Transfer Petition. The Appellant being the Defendant in the two suits seeks the transfer of the Suit pending before the learned Additional District Judge being Suit No.43/2009 titled as “M/s Rathi Ferrous Trading Pvt. Ltd. v. Raheja Builders Pvt. Ltd.”, to this Court and to be tried and disposed of along with CS (OS) 2481/2009 titled as “Rathi Steel Trading v. Raheja Developers Ltd.” by way of this Transfer Petition under Section 24 of the CPC in August, 2010. Not only is the exercise of the Appellant seeking withdrawal and transfer of the Suit No. 43/2009 to this Court mala fide but also impermissible in law.
The contention of the Appellant that the parties in the two Suits are the same is erroneous and contrary to the law. A company duly incorporated under the Companies Act is a distinct legal entity. The commonality of the flagship does not change the legal status. The claims also cannot be said to be the same. Each transaction of supply of goods is an independent cause of action and thus cannot call for clubbing of the Suits. Each case of transfer of a suit under Section 24 of the CPC is to be decided on the facts particular to that case. Normally suits in respect of the same property between the same parties should be tried by the same Court in order to avoid conflicting decisions. However, in the present case parties are different, the cause of action is different, thus there being no commonality of issues. No case for transfer of the suit under Section 24 CPC is made out.

Published in Chartered Secretary Dec 2010 - ICSI)

Oppression and mismanagement - CLB rejects the petition on the grounds of maintainability – Appeal-Whether rejection by CLB justified?


LTD &ORS [P&H] Company Appeal No. 5 of 2008 Hemant Gupta, J. [Decided on 02/11/2010]
Companies Act, 1956 – Section 10(F) – Oppression and mismanagement – CLB rejects the petition on the grounds of maintainability – Appeal-Whether rejection by CLB justified – Held, No.

Brief facts : The appellant is said to be possessed of 67590 fully paid up equity shares representing 15.36% of the total paid up share capital. Respondent Nos. 2 to 4, are said to be Directors along with the appellant, whereas respondent No.4 is the Chairman of the Company. It is alleged that respondent No.3-Shri Mohinder Mehta was appointed as Director of the Company on 7.7.2000, whereas as per the annual report, respondents No. 2, 3 and 4 swapped their individual shareholding in sister concerns EMM Bros Forging Pvt. Ltd and EMM Bros Metals Pvt. Ltd. without knowledge of the appellant. As a result of such swapping, respondent Nos. 2 and 3 have become majority shareholders in EMM Bros Forging Pvt. Ltd. and EMM Bros Metal Pvt. Ltd. The appellant alleged that such transfer of the share holding is illegal and in contravention of the provisions of Articles 7 and 8 of the Articles of Association of the respondent-Company. The appellant has also alleged that respondent Nos. 2 and 3 removed the appellant from directorship without any intimation and that respondent Nos. 2 and 3 appointed their respective wives as Additional Directors in 8th Annual General Meeting of the Company and raised share capital in their names and their wives so as to gain majority stake against all the remaining shareholders.Inter-alia, on the above said fact, the appellant sought restoration of the share holding in the Company as existed prior to the transfer made in the year 2000 and to direct respondent Nos. 2, 3 and 4 to restore funds and render the accounts of the financial affairs of the Company apart from the declaration that the funds were illegally utilized by respondent Nos. 2, 3 and 4 and in contravention of the provisions of law.

The learned Board has dismissed the petition filed by the appellant, primarily for the reason that the appellant has not offered to refute the preliminary objections raised by the respondents in respect of the maintainability of the petition. A finding has been returned that allotment, swapping etc., except of the appellant, was made pursuant to oral understanding as early as on 27.7.2000 and that the appellant has deliberately concealed the Memorandum of Understanding from the Board. The appellants appealed to the High Court.
Decision :  Appeal allowed.

Reason : Before the respective arguments of the learned counsel for the parties are considered on merits, it may be pointed out that since the resolution of the Board of Directors of the respondent- Company were not legible; the original proceedings book of the respondent-Company was called for. Learned counsel for the respondents has also produced photo copies of the aforesaid minutes/proceedings, which are permitted to be taken on record.

The proceedings book start from the meeting of the Directors held on 7.7.2000, which records the fact that the appellant was absent from the meeting and no leave was granted to him. The second minutes of meeting are of 27.7.2000. The appellant was absent and was not granted leave though leave of absence was granted to Shri Mohinder Mehta. The minutes record the transfer of shares of Shri Ashok and Shri Harish Mehta. In the meeting of 23.8.2000, the name of Jiwan Mehta, the appellant, is mentioned as the person present in the meeting, but the proceedings book is not signed by him. Shri Mohinder Mehta was absent, but no leave was granted. In the meetings of 17.10.2000, 30.11.2000, 30.12.2000 and 27.1.2001, Shri Ashok Mehta and Shri Raj Mehta are the persons present in the meeting and Shri Jiwan Mehta, the appellant, was not granted any leave of absence. Such meetings have not transacted any business except to discuss the current business programme or the need to have more working capital. The annual return filed in pursuance of Annual General Meeting held on 29.9.2000 produced by the appellant bears signatures of Shri Jiwan Mehta apart from signatures of Shri Mohinder Mehta and Shri Raj Mehta.

Before adverting to the effect of non-disclosure of Memorandum of Understanding by the appellant in his petition under Sections 397 and 398 of the Companies Act, I find, prima-facie, that the reliance of the respondents on the annual returns of the Company filed in pursuance of the Annual General Meeting held on 29.9.2000, which has been relied upon by the Board, is based upon forged and fabricated signatures of the appellant.

The proceedings book of respondent No.1 from 7.7.2000 till 27.1.2001 shows that Shri Jiwan Mehta is absent from the Board meetings. If Shri Jiwan Mehta has not attended the meeting of Board since July 7, 2000, how he would sign Annual Returns of the Company in pursuance of the Annual General Meeting held on 29th September 2000. It seems to be improbable. The said aspect gets support from the report of the Forensic Expert Annexure A-6, wherein signatures of Jiwan Mehta, the appellant, on such Annual Returns, have been found to be forged and fabricated.

The respondents have also relied upon the communication of the Registrar of Companies, wherein the cessation of office of Director by the appellant in the meeting of the Board on 27.1.2001 is said to be communicated to the appellant. The three meetings, the absence of which led to the vacation of office by the appellant, discuss the need to have more working capital, which is evident from the minutes of 17.10.2000, 30.11.2000 and 30.12.2000. It appears that such minutes have been recorded to make out a ground for cessation of office by the appellant as, prima-facie, the consideration of working capital requirement in three Board’’s meetings seems to be manipulated one. The requirement of working capital possibly cannot be discussed in three meeting of the Board and without taking any corrective step. Such finding is recorded to consider, prima-facie, the maintainability of the petition of the appellant herein. It is for the competent authority to consider and return a categorical finding on the detailed examinations of the documents.

The Board has held that the appellant has deliberately concealed the Memorandum of Understanding from the Board. The Memorandum of Understanding as has been mentioned above is to equally divide the family assets and assets and liabilities of EMM Bros Wires and Strips Ltd. The assets or shareholding of the respondent- Company were not subject matter of the Memorandum of Understanding. There is no specific term as regards the transfer of the shares in the respondent-Company. None of the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding refers to the alleged oral agreement in the year 1997 or 2000, the reference of which has been made only in the impugned order by the Board. The pleadings in the other cases in respect of another Company cannot be said to be relevant for determining the questions raised in the present petition. Clause-IV of the Memorandum of Understanding records that “hence forth, the businesses shall be owned as under”. It does not infer any oral agreement earlier or that the parties have already arrived at a settlement, wherein the appellant has given up his shareholding in the respondent-Company. The businesses were to be reorganized from the date of Memorandum of Understanding only.

In view of the above, though the question whether the Memorandum of Understanding touching the affairs of the respondent-Company, is relevant and to what extent is to be decided by the Board but it cannot be said that non-disclosure of such Memorandum of Understanding is fatal so as to return a finding that the petition itself is not maintainable. Whether such Memorandum of Understanding is relevant to the Company in question and/or whether there was oral agreement or parties have swapped shareholding dehors the Memorandum of Understanding or in terms of the Memorandum of Understanding will be some of the questions, which may require adjudication by the competent authority. But nondisclosure of Memorandum of Understanding is not a fact which goes to the root of the controversy and does not conclusively decide all the questions between the parties. Therefore, even if the appellant has not made any reference to the said Memorandum of Understanding in his petition, but it is not material omission, which disentitles the appellants to even for consideration of his petition on merits.

In view of the above, I am of the opinion that the order passed by the Board, whereby it was held that the petition is not maintainable, suffers from patent illegality and cannot be sustained in law. Consequently, the impugned order is set aside. The matter is remitted back to the Board for fresh decision on merits, in accordance with law.

(Published in Chartered Secretary Dec 2010 - ICSI)

Restoration of the Name of the Company which struck off by the ROC

Company Petition No.193 of 2007 Sanjiv Khanna, J. [Decided on 02/11/2010]
Companies Act, 1956 – Section 433(e) – Winding up – Lease agreement – Vacation by lessee company – Liquidated damages in the form of rent for the unexpired period of the lease – Landlord filed winding up petition on the basis of liquidated damages – Whether admissible-Held, No.

Brief facts : Te petitioner is the owner landlady and had rented out commercial space to the respondent company on monthly rent under an” Agreement to Lease” dated 5th September, 2006. Respondent company started paying rent with effect from 1st November, 2006 and while the same was continuously paid till the end of February, 2007, the respondent company did not pay the agreed rent for the months of March, April and May, 2007 and handed over the possession of the premises on 31st May, 2007. The petitioner relies upon clause 5 of the Agreement and claimed that the respondent company is liable to pay liquidated damages in form of rent for a period of 29 months i.e. unexpired portion of the lease of three years starting with effect from 1st November, 2006. Thus in all, the petitioner claimed that the respondent company is liable to pay Rs.3,88,740/- towards arrear of rent and liquidated damages of Rs.37,57,820/-; total Rs.41,46,560/- and interest. 

Decision : Petition dismissed.

Reason : I have examined and read Agreement to Lease dated 5th September, 2006. The said document cannot be regarded as Agreement to Lease inspite of the nomenclature or the heading given to the document. The petitioner has placed reliance on the introductory clauses which refer to the discussions between the parties prior to execution of the documents. On reading of the main or recital clauses it is apparent that the said document is a lease deed in itself in praesenti which was executed on 5th September, 2006 but the lease was to begin with effect from 1st November, 2006. Clause 13 no doubt refers to execution of another document but this clause is not to be read in isolation. Other clauses indicate that the document dated 5th September, 2006 is a lease deed. No other document was executed between the parties. It is well settled that the document has to be read as a whole in entirety to find out the character/nature of the said document. The main clauses of the lease refer to the rent, the date of payment of rent, the security deposit, the right to terminate the rent agreement, subletting, maintenance charges and interest. It also talks about the method of termination i.e. how notice of termination was to be issued. The petitioner did not regard the said document as an agreement to lease but a lease deed in itself. The document dated 5th September, 2006 being an unregistered lease deed cannot be relied upon by the petitioner. The tenancy in question was a monthly tenancy and nothing more. The petitioner cannot rely upon clause 5 of an unregistered document.

 Even otherwise the claim for liquidated damages is not sustainable. It may be noted that Clause 5 relied upon by the petitioner uses the term liquidated damages in case the tenant vacates the property during the lock-in-period of first three years. It is a contention of the petitioner that the respondent company, as a tenant, is liable to pay the balance rent for the unexpired period of the lease of three years. The distinction between liquidated and un-liquidated damages is well settled. Mere use of the term liquidated damages in a document cannot be the criteria to determine and decide whether the amount specified in the agreement is towards liquidated damages or un-liquidated damages. Amount specified in an agreement is liquidated damages; if the sum specified by the parties is a proper estimate of damages to be anticipated in the event of breach. It represents genuine covenanted pre-estimate of damages. On the other hand un-liquidated damages or penalty is the amount stipulated in terrorem. The expression penalty is an elastic term but means a sum of money which is promised to be paid but is manifestly intended to be in excess of the amount which would fully compensate the other party for the loss sustained in consequence of the breach. Whether a clause is a penalty clause or a clause for payment of liquidated damages has to be judged in the facts of the each case and in the background of the relevant factors which are case specific. Looking at the nature of the Clause and even the pleadings made by the petitioner, I am not inclined to accept the contention of the petitioner that Clause 5 imposes liquidated damages and is not a penalty clause. No facts and circumstances have been pleaded to show that Clause 5 relating to lock-inperiod was a genuine pre-estimate of damages which by the petitioner would have suffered in case the respondent company had vacated the premises. No such special circumstances have been highlighted and pointed out.

It is accepted by the petitioner that they had security deposit of Rs.3,88,740/-. In the petition and the two legal notices dated 19th May, 2007 and 25th June, 2007 it is not alleged that the security deposit was required to be adjusted on account of arrears towards electricity, water or damages caused to the premises. There are no such allegations or averments. In these circumstances, the security deposit given by the respondent company to the petitioner can be adjusted towards the rent for the months of March to May, 2007. No further amount is due and payable by the respondent company to the petitioner towards admitted liability or debt due and payable, for the purpose of Section 433 (e) r/w 434 (1)(a) of the Act.

(Published in Chartered Secretary Dec 2010 - ICSI) 

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Accounting may be as old as civilization. As wealth was accumulated, inventories of wealth were needed. Writing was invented as a convenient way to track commercial transactions and accumulated assets in an abstract way. The "inventions" of money, banking, and credit took place and were important components of a rise of the great civilizations of the Ancient World. The Medieval Italian merchants became wealthy and powerful, partially as a result of the development of double entry bookkeeping. The Industrial Revolution, starting in the 18th century in England, led to mass production, big business, mass transportation, and sophisticated cost accounting. High tech accounting machinery, for the most part, had to wait for the 20th century. The calculator, typewriter, and tabulating machine were invented in the late 19th century and showed steady growth in the first half of the 20th century. The computer has dominated the second half of the century. In summary, the 10,000 years of accounting history starts with simple stone "tokens" to count wealth and continues to the integrated computer systems of today.

But this story is not complete. Who was the first accountant? The first priest to drop stones into a bag to count the temple's cattle? The scribe that "invented" writing to evaluate the king's wealth and tribute payments? The Italian merchant that developed double entry bookkeeping? The controller that developed the first sophisticated accounting system for a large factory? The first professional accountant? Or someone else? Below are some of the candidates. Their qualifications will be considered.

Jerry of Jericho, The First Inventory
The dawn of civilization is the transition from hunter-gatherer to farmer. Farming required a single location, stability, the use of seed crops, the calculation of seasons, plowing and harvesting, and the development of settlements. Crop surpluses lead to trade and specialization. The potter relied on the farmer for food, the farmer on the potter for utensils. Under a barter system wealth was determined by possessions--cattle, sheep, grain stores, and these served as mediums of exchange.

The ancient city of Jericho is in ruins in what is now Israel (close to the modern city of Jericho), ten miles north of the Dead Sea. It is most famous for its biblical conquest by Joshua, perhaps around the time of the Trojan War. The earliest archeological finds are dated from the 10th millennium B.C.E., the oldest fortified city yet discovered. From the oldest levels plain clay artifacts were discovered, called "tokens" by archeologist Denise Schmandt-Besserat. Tokens have been widely found throughout Near East archeological sites representing a period of 5,000 years, to 3,000 B.C.E. The earliest ones were plain, the later ones increasingly complex. Later tokens were often found in hollow clay balls called "envelopes", with abstract markings--evidence of pre-writing.

The tokens can best be explained as representations of inventory. Five round tokens may indicate five sheep, eight oblong ones eight cattle. Over time, the tokens were more complex, both in terms of shapes and also symbols scratched on the tokens. In these later periods plain tokens may have represented simple goods such as grain or livestock, while complex tokens may have represented manufactured goods such as textiles or utensils. Both the inventory type and count were likely represented abstractly.

Archaeologists discovered that an inscribed envelope could be matched to the tokens enclosed and the inventory represented livestock, grains, weapons, and so on. A specific envelope could relate to the "account" of a single scribe or steward or an inventory of a specific tribute payment. It could represent the obligation of this tribute. The envelope could be handed to the debtor and returned with the actual payment in kind, a stone age voucher system.

Envelope & tokens - Susa, 3300 BC (Lourve)

The tokens may represent an inventory count, the envelopes a summary "document" and a form of internal control. Thus, this can be interpreted as a potential accounting system with some complexity and the continuing development toward writing. Perhaps the envelopment was a simple "balance sheet", as suggested by Mattessich [1987].

The names of the temple priests and scribes that developed this system are unknown. After all, this is a prehistoric period beginning in the Neolithic Age. Is the first accountant to be found here? Before 3,000 B.C.E. the complex token-envelope system can be considered a form of bookkeeping. It served the information purposes of the rulers and their administrators, before the development of either writing or money.

Marion the Sumerian, the Inventor of Writing
Recorded history can be traced to Sumerian city-states including Uruk and Ur, possibly the birthplace of writing. Scribes scratched signs on damp clay tablets with pointed sticks. Initially pictographs or stylized representations, these became standardized into cuneiform writing (Latin for wedge, not a Sumerian term). The process may have been a continuation of the token system developed in earlier millennia. These scribes were bookkeepers, the scratchings records of temple wealth, records of tribute based on a barter system.

Scribe - Sakkara about 2500 BC (Louvre)
The writings gained relative simplicity and standardization and, therefore, efficiency. The earliest tablets from Uruk date from at least 3,100 B.C.E., although there is some debate on dating the tablets and the location of the birthplace of writing (e.g., limestone tablets from Kish may date from 3,000 B.C.E. to 3,500 B.C.E.). The invention of writing was a gradual process, probably over a wide area across the Fertile Crescent. Many clay tablets represented business transactions and demonstrate the increasing flexibility of writing systems. Writing would be expanded to literature by Sumerians with the Epic of Gilgamesh. However, it would be some 1,500 years before the development of the first alphabet.

Accounting records on pre-cuneiform tablet (Louvre)
The earliest attempts to define money were begun. For example, the shekel was an early monetary unit, the amount of gold equivalent to the value of an ox. Coins were invented by the Lydians according to Herodotus. Written promises were recorded, receipts and payments in money equivalents. The Code of Hammurabi from 2200 B.C.E. was a complex law code that included regulations of commercial transactions and contracts. The Egibi Tablets identified bankers and money lenders in Babylon at 1000 B.C.E. In summary, writing allowed the recording and legal standing of standard commercial transactions based on money.
Jerome of Rome and Others in the Ancient World
Many great civilizations in the Ancient World developed in the Near East and around the Mediterranean: Sumeria, Akkad, Babylon, Assyria, Persia and others around the Fertile Crescent, Egypt, and later Greece and Rome. There was not a steady rise in culture and civilization. Instead, the "golden ages" were often followed by dark ages as advanced cultures often fell to the "barbarian" invaders. Greek civilization was a relative latecomer and, except for Alexander the Great, not much of a world power. The Myceneans were powerful city states known from the archeological record of Mycenae and other ruins and, according to Homer, the sack of Troy about 1240 B.C.E. Greece fell into a dark age shortly after that, recovering centuries later. The Age of Pericles, Greek tragedies, Socrates and Plato came some six centuries later. Greece apparently adopted the Phoenician writing system and invented the complete alphabet (the Greeks introduced vowels). Greek culture spread about the Mediterranean along with Greek oil, wine, and other trade goods. Athenian banking was well developed. The Zenon Papyri demonstrated a sophisticated accounting system in 5th century B.C.E. Greece.

From the small settlements on the Tiber River the Romans developed over a thousand years the civilization that was to be the cornerstone for Western civilization. The republic was replaced by the empire, which lasted in the West until the fall of the last Roman emperor in 476 C.E. Rome is not known for philosophy, but for pragmatic pursuits such as road building and engineering wonders, its legal system, and government administration. The huge bureaucracies demanded bookkeepers.

Littleton [1973] identified seven antecedents to bookkeeping: private property, capital, commerce, credit, writing, money, and arithmetic. All were developed in ancient times (arithmetic may not have been fully developed) and available to Roman merchants and bureaucrats. Patrician families seem to have kept records in memo form ("adversaria") and in ledgers (Cicero referred to "tabulae" and "codex accepti et expensi"), bookkeeping but probably far from a double entry system. Bankers kept formal accounts, in part, as evidence for possible legal proceedings. The main public treasury during the Roman Republic was the Temple of Saturn. Taxes were collected by middlemen called publicans, the tax gatherers. A vast bureaucratic network lead by administrators (consols, questors, and so on) with a staff of scribes ran the Roman and provincial governments. Financial records were carefully kept on public accounts (although corruption was on a vast scale), including a monthly register of all receipts and payments. Payments were often made using written warrants to avoid transporting coins over long distances.
The millennium following the fall of Rome was the Middle Ages, a thousand years without a bath. The feudal system and the Catholic Church both evolved from Roman administrative frameworks. Italian cities maintained commercial ties with Constantinople. Beginning in the 11th century merchants became leaders of the rich city states of Florence, Genoa, Pisa, Milan, and Venice. Important families would later become hereditary rulers. The Medici family, for example, seized control of Florence in the mid- 15th century. The patronage of these powerful families as well as the growth of trade and a renewed interest in classical literature were partially responsible for the Renaissance.

Amatino Manucci and Double Entry Bookkeeping
Medieval business was conducted by artisans and village shopkeepers, with little need for detailed financial records. But the Crusades brought European nobles and soldiers in contact with the exotic East. Italian merchants were in an ideal position to exploit expanding trade opportunities from Europe to Constantinople and beyond. Successful merchants developed trading networks across Europe and the Mediterranean, which required sophisticated financial records.
The evidence suggests that double entry bookkeeping was an invention of Italian merchants in the Genoa-Venice-Florence triangle in the 1200-1350 period, a Commercial Revolution [Mills, 1994]. Not a single individual, but recordkeeping that met the needs of the particular merchant house. As business expanded and complexity increased, at least some merchant firms increased the sophistication of the accounting records. Accounts prepared by Amatino Manucci, a partner in the Florentine firm of Giovanni Farolfi and Company are among the few that have been recovered and analyzed.

The merchants were usually middlemen. They generally didn't produce the goods, rather they arranged the purchase in convenient locales and the sale of the products throughout the known world. These were relatively small operations in terms of manpower. These merchants became rich and powerful because they set prices and knew how to calculate costs and profits.

Few bookkeeping records remain from this period. Parchment was used for most recordkeeping, too valuable not to reuse when original records were no longer needed. Generally, merchant partnerships were short-term--started and terminated within a few years. Then the books would be closed, accounts settled, and new books opened for new partnerships (perhaps with the same partners). Since the parchment was expensive, the pages likely would be washed or scraped and reused by the new firm.

The Piscan Document of Philadelphia dates from the early 12th century. Primitive bookkeeping with sequential transactions using Roman numerals was presented in paragraph form. Fragments of an unknown Florentine banking firm date from 1211. Not yet double entry bookkeeping, but advancing in that direction. Other fragments include the Castra Gualfred and the Borghesia Company from 1259- 67; Gentile de' Sassetti and Sons, 1274-1310; and Bene Bencivenni, 1277-96. The most complete records were from Rinieri Fini & Brothers, 1296-1305, and Giovanni Farolfi & Co., 1299-1300.

Giovanni Farolfi & Company was a Florentine merchant partnership at the start of the 14th century, with Farolfi the senior partner. Amatino Manucci, also a partner, kept the books for the
Salon, France branch. Salon was a center for olive oil production and a convenient center for buying commodities (wheat, barley, oats, wines and wool) and textiles. Farolfi also dealt in lending and moneychanging. How long this partnership existed is unknown. No additional facts are known of Manucci's life.

Apparently, at least six account books were used at the Salon branch, but only 56 pages of a "general ledger" (of 110 total pages) for the 1299-1300 period now exist (at Archivio di Stato, Florence). Financial information was in paragraph form, debits were recorded in the front of the book, credits in the back, figures were denominated in French livres. There was a single debit and a single credit for each entry, fully cross-referenced. Summary accounts show the "transfers" from other account books. Each page is totaled, with a grand total on page 91 for debits (the balance for credits is lost). As summarized by Lee: "The books were logically subdivided, with segregation of cash and goods accounts from the main ledger, a perpetual inventory of each line of agricultural produce and each grade of cloth or yarn dealt in, and full records of debtors and creditors, expenses, profits, interest and partners drawings..." [1977, page 94].

Is this true double entry bookkeeping? Lee [1977] identifies six components of double entry: (1) the concept of the business partnership as an accounting entity; (2) algebraic opposition, in simplest terms: for every debit there is an equal credit; (3) a single monetary unit; (4) a capital or proprietors' equity account; (5) the concept of profit and loss as a separate component that will increase or decrease equity; and (6) the use of an accounting period. Lee suggests that earlier fragments have many, but not all, these components. The 1211 fragments from the Florentine banking firm meet the first three, according to Lee. But it is the Farolfi accounts of Manucci that meet all criteria.

Manucci obviously did not invent double entry, that was a 100 year process (perhaps a 9,000 year process). But the process was effectively complete by the time of Manucci's books. If he didn't finish the process himself, it didn't occur long before. Existing fragments from the late 13th century were still missing key components prior to Manucci.
Pacioli - The Father of Accounting
Luca Pacioli (1447-1517), the wandering Franciscan monk and mathematician, was a contemporary of Columbus and a friend and collaborator of Leonardo da Vinci. His seminal work, Summa de Arithmetica, Geometrica,Propotioni et Proportionalite, published in 1494, contained a section, "Particularis de Computis et Scripturis" (Details of Accounting and Recording) that described "the system used in Venice". This was four decades after the Gutenberg invention of movable type and printing centers all over Europe allowed Pacioli's Summa to be translated, printed, and spread across the continent.

Pacioli's Summa is the first known complete description of double entry bookkeeping. Three books were to be used: memorandum book, journal, and ledger. Journal entry postings from the memorandum book required debits on the left and credits on the right. Although many currencies existed, Summa required that all entries be translated to a single monetary unit. A trial balance was necessary when the books were closed. The balances from the profit and loss account were entered in the capital account. In other words, Summa described a system remarkably like modern bookkeeping. The Summa was translated into Dutch, German, French, Russian, and English and Pacioli's system spread across Europe. For this reason Pacioli is the "Father of Accounting". Relatively little progress was made beyond Pacioli's Summa for several generations. In fact, it is difficult to identify pioneering accountants before the Industrial Revolution.

From Renaissance Italy to Industrial England
Pacioli's Summa was published not long after Columbus' return from the New World, a key event in the decline of Italian states and the rise of Spain as a world power. First Spain and Portugal and then Holland and England became great sea powers. England gradually gained the upper hand, through trade and imperialism under the Mercantilist theory that colonies provide raw materials and buy finished goods. Industry was based on a crafts system, with wealth based largely on land and merchandising. Thus, except for the vast colonial base, the system was similar to Renaissance Italy.

An important capitalist invention was the joint stock company, precursor to the modern corporation. One of the first in England was the East India Company, chartered in 1600, with monopoly rights between Cape of Good Hope and the Straits of Magellan. During the early years only short-term stock was issued for single voyages, then the stock liquidated and the proceeds divided among shareholders (permanent capital was first raised in 1657). One potential "first accountant" would have been Thomas Stevens, the first Accountant General for East India Company (to 1614). Unfortunately, no surviving accounting records exist before 1657.

Joint stock companies fell into disfavor with the bursting of the South Sea Bubble of 1720 (due to large scale fraud and speculation). Charles Snell may be the "first auditor" for his financial reviews after the South Sea Bubble, but accounting innovation had to wait for English entrepreneurs of the 18th century. Joint stock companies regained their popularity early in the 19th century.

The Industrial Revolution dramatically increased per capita production through mechanization. Eighteenth century England was changed from an agrarian and craft-based society to an industrial power. Cotton textiles were manufactured first, based on Kay's flying shuttle (1733), Hargreave's spinning jenny (1765), Arkwright's water frame (1769), and so on. Perhaps the most significant invention was James Watt's steam engine in 1769. Steam power made modern factories possible.

Each inventor was an entrepreneur with a need for capital and a vision, usually to generate vast personal wealth. A banking system and adequate transportation were necessary components. Banking began in England from goldsmiths safekeeping customer gold and silver and then lending the metals. Customers were given receipts which they used to pay their bills. The Bank of England, chartered as a Joint Stock Company in 1694, became the first central bank. Canal building began in the late 18th century, followed by locomotives from about 1830. With mass transportation the acquisition of large quantities of raw materials and the distribution of finished products over large distances became possible.

The rise in productivity in Britain was dramatic, over 2% a year in gross national product (GNP). In 1750 per capita production was similar around the world. According to Kennedy [1987], if British productivity was 100 in 1750, then that of the Third World was 70 and the rest of Europe was 80. By 1900 British productivity was 1,000. By 1860 Britain produced more than half the world's iron and coal, was responsible for 20% of world trade and 40% of manufacturing trade.

Josiah Wedgwood and the Genesis of Modern Cost Accounting
Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795) is well known as a potter and as grandfather of Charles Darwin. His research of materials, use of skilled labor and successful business organization made him a leader of the Industrial Revolution. At a time known for the craft of pottery, Wedgwood became a pottery manufacturer, a pioneer in production. He established his first pottery works in 1759, beginning with an improved cream colored earthenware later called "queensware". In 1782 his was the first factory in the industry to install a steam engine.

Josiah Wedgwood by Joshua Reynolds
Wedgwood initially made little use of accounting. High prices were charged resulting in substantial profits even though costs were poorly tracked. The circumstances changed with the depression of 1772. Demand dropped, inventories rose, and prices were cut. Could he cut costs enough to avoid bankruptcy? His answer involved understanding cost accounting in enough detail to make informed decisions. An early discovery was a history of embezzlement by his head clerk, when the accounts didn't agree. A new clerk was quickly installed and a weekly accounting implemented.

Wedgwood was able to determine costs for materials and labor for each manufacturing step for each product. An attempt was made to allocate such overhead costs as breakage and interest as well as transportation costs. He discovered that certain products cost considerably more than others to manufacture, with a correspondent effect on prices and therefore profit. He also became aware of both the concepts of economies of scale and sunk costs. The large percent of fixed costs suggested the importance of greater overall volume.

Based on his cost analysis, the high price policy for pottery was changed. Lower prices could be charged differentially, increasing both demand for some products and greater overall profit. Demand became key to policies. The market could be divided between high-price high-quality products for richer customers, while a mass market could be appealed to with lower-cost lower-price products.

The cost system influenced wages paid, types of employees (e.g., apprentices were paid about one third of experienced workers and were efficient for certain tasks), amount of products produced, and specific techniques used. Prices were based on relative costs, demand, and how demand could be stimulated. Because of his pioneering accounting system Wedgwood survived, unlike hundreds of his contemporaries (Fleischman and Parker, 1991, estimate that only 10% of Industrial Revolution firms survived through the 1840s). In fact, the company he founded is still in business.
Was Wedgwood typical of entrepreneurs at the start of the Industrial Revolution? Fleischman and Parker [1991] analyzed 25 large British manufacturing companies from 1760 to 1850. Most were in the textile (13) or iron (6) industries, with one potter--Wedgwood. Cost accounting progress was made at many of these firms, some perhaps at a level of sophistication similar to Wedgwood at about the same time. One example was Carron Co., a pioneer iron foundry in Scotland founded the same year as Wedgwood, 1759. It was the first firm in Scotland to smelt iron with coke. Out-of-control costs, lack of profit, and poor liquidity were major reasons for cost analysis. Cost estimates, monthly cost comparisons (costs per ton), performance measures for each department head, calculation of revenues and expenses for each cost center, and overhead allocation (including depreciation on an ad hoc basis) were some of Carron's innovations contemporary with Wedgwood. Competition was fierce and the company withdrew from the anchor trade and nails production because cost evaluations proved them to be unprofitable. Carron became a large-scale, vertically integrated company which included specialty products. Complexity stimulated product quality control and overhead allocation.

William Cooper and the Cooper Brothers: The Birth of a Profession
By the end of the 18th century, eleven men listed their occupation as "Accomptants" in London. Their role expanded with business activity and government regulations. The Bankruptcy Act of 1831 allowed accountants to be appointed "Official Assignees", the first official recognition of the profession. The responsibilities of accountants would grow throughout the century as Parliament passed new regulations on business demanding greater accountability.
William Cooper started as a clerk for Quilter Ball and Company in London. He left in 1854 to establish his own accounting practice. He was later joined by three brothers to form Cooper Brothers & Co. in 1861. In the beginning the primary job was the preparation of accounts and the balance sheets of public companies, especially those in bankruptcy. The Bankruptcy Act of 1869 increased the accountants' role in bankruptcy and liquidations.

The role of auditor grew with government regulations, especially the various British Companies Acts. The Companies Act of 1862 required banks to be audited and the audit was required by all public companies by the end of the century. At that time, auditing was the backbone of the practice.
The Cooper brothers were active in developing the Institute of Accountants beginning in 1870. A royal charter was granted in 1880, with Arther Cooper an initial Council member and later President (William Cooper died in 1871). Ernest Cooper also became an Institute president and would run Cooper Bros. until his retirement in 1923.

The brothers ran their firm in the strict Victorian tradition, seemingly similar to Ebenezer Scrooge according to their own history. This included a basic six day, 50 hour work week (much longer during busy season), a strict dress code, clerks who had to pay for the priviledge of training, low wages, and barking supervisors. Turnover was apparently high, even by Victorian business standards.

The firm was successful and provided professional services across the world, including a Texas cattle ranch, a Canadian lumber company, and a Hungarian electric utility. After a hundred years the firm had a hundred partners and offices in thirteen countries. The 1956 merger with the American firm Lybrand, Ross Bros, and Montgomery created what would become the Big Six firm Coopers & Lybrand.

Donaldson Brown and Big Business
Eli Whitney had much to do with the start of the economic growth of 19th century America. After his invention of the cotton gin, cotton became the staple of Southern planters. Whitney went on to manufacture firearms using interchangeable machined parts. As in England manufacturing was small scale, with most production done by independent craftsmen. Textile mills, saw mills, and foundries began to mechanize early in the 19th century, followed by iron and steel. By 1812 eleven steam engines were in operation, although water remained the primary source of power.

By the time of the Civil War the Southern economy was based on cotton, the West on agriculture, and the North on manufacturing. With McCormick's reaper even farming was mechanizing. In 1869 the Union Pacific and Central Pacific lines met at Promontory Summit, completing the first transcontinental line. Railroads were the biggest industry and dominated U.S. capital markets. Modern investment banking in the U.S. largely developed to finance railroad construction.

By 1900 big business meant consolidating activities: horizontal integration to eliminate competition, vertical integration to take advantage of all profitable opportunities. Accounting activities became increasingly important in setting prices, reducing costs, and controlling activities through a central office coordinating diverse internal operations.

Carnegie Steel was a mass producer at the end of the 19th century that relied on sophisticated cost accounting to control operations. This included a voucher system for materials and labor and cost sheets for specific operations (the focus was on direct costs, not overhead), used to become the low cost producer of steel products. Price cutting during recessions allowed Carnegie to maintain production levels and push competitors toward bankruptcy. In the early 20th century Carnegie Steel became the centerpiece of J.P. Morgan's U.S. Steel, the first billion dollar corporation.

Du Pont Powder Company was established in 1903 by three Du Pont cousins, in what would now be considered a leveraged buyout of E. I. Du Pont de Nemours. The old owners received bonds for the expected value of the firm; the cousins took stock--which would have value only if they successfully increased the profitability of the firm. This they did, creating a centralized, departmentalized operation controlled largely through a modern cost accounting system. First, they developed a fixed asset accounting system (rare at the turn of the century when plant and equipment were expensed quickly and few records maintained). Long-range planning focused on new investment in fixed assets, using a return on investment (ROI) calculation made possible with their fixed asset accounting records. Since expansion was financed largely from retained earnings, short-term forecasting of earnings and cash flows was necessary and sophisticated.
Du Pont had 40 manufacturing mills, with mill superintendents responsible for operating efficiency. Detailed monthly reports were maintained by the home office. Information was primarily associated with materials and labor, not particularly effective in estimating overhead. This made make-or-buy decisions difficult.
Marketing was equally structured and controlled from the home office. One interesting point was that the firm used the Holerith tabulating machines in the early 1900s to prepare daily sales sheets and other reports. Knowledge of demand was critical to pricing decisions.
One of Du Pont's financial officers was Donaldson Brown, who was well known for the ROI approach, including the decomposition of ROI into the sales turnover ratio and operating ratio of
earnings to sales. An electrical engineer by training and initially an electrical equipment salesman for Du Pont, Brown became assistant treasurer in 1914.

When General Motors was foundering in the 1920 recession, Du Pont bought a substantial equity interest in GM and Pierre Du Pont became president. Donaldson Brown and Alfred Sloan were recruited to reorganize GM. Brown as Chief Financial Officer brought Du Pont's accounting system and added additional sophistication. An advanced flexible budgeting system, uniform performance criteria, a pricing formula to determine target prices to yield a specific ROI under standard volume, incentive and profit sharing plans, and a market based pricing system are among the innovations (often based on his Du Pont experience) put into place. Thus, the "modern" cost system used during much of the 20th century was developed (or refined) by Brown. In fact, as stated by Kaplan: "Virtually all of the practices employed by firms today...had been developed by 1925" [1984, p. 390]; that is, the GM system. Beginning in 1924 Brown wrote a series of articles on the GM pricing and budgeting systems.

So, Who Was the First Accountant?
The suspects have been rounded up, the period under study limited to the last 10,000 years. Somewhere between the first scribe to attempt an inventory and GM's innovative CFO is the first accountant.

Before the name is cast in stone, it may be useful to consider fundamental characteristics of accounting. Accounting provides a financial information system, giving users basic data to make decisions. A key point is that it is user specific. None of the nominees is concerned with a "standardsetting" process. Instead, the advances developed were needed to solve specific problems.

***** Insert Table 1 *****
A second consideration reduces the list. The pioneering efforts should have a direct impact on modern accounting. Inventory control, money, ownership of property, trading, lending, and credit originated in ancient times, but their modern impact dates back to Medieval Italy. This excludes the nominees from the Ancient World, since accounting innovations essentially were lost during the Middle Ages. The earliest direct impact on modern accounting seems to be the invention of double-entry bookkeeping. Amatino Manucci remains a viable candidate. However, Pacioli does not. He may have math innovations to his credit, but not accounting. His contribution was to describe the existing accounting methods developed by the Italian merchants. Thus, credit him as the first textbook writer in accounting.

William Cooper was one of many mid-19th century British accountants who would forge a profession. Cooper was an early founder of what became a Big Six firm. However, the profession in Britain started at least by 1800, based on accounting concepts developed over earlier centuries.
The remaining candidates developed cost accounting innovations. Donaldson Brown, an innovator of modern cost accounting, unlike earlier candidates, was a full time accountant. However, he is too late to be considered the first accountant. Josiah Wedgwood is a serious candidate, as an entrepreneur driven to innovative cost accounting to stay in business. However, he's still relatively late in the game. His contribution was advanced cost control to provide adequate information on production costs, important but centuries beyond the first accountant.

That leaves...the winner: Amatino Manucci, the writer of the earliest surviving complete double entry bookkeeping system. Modern accounting is not fundamentally different from that of Manucci. He's not likely to become a household name, but should be recognized as the First Accountant.

Table 1

The Candidates

8000 BCE - Jerry of Jericho - First used "tokens" to accurately count the temple's wealth
3100 BCE - Marion the Sumerian - Invented Cuneiform writing to determine the king's wealth & tribute payments
0 - Jerome of Rome - Rich Romans kept financial records in memo form and on ledgers. Scribes kept detailed financial records of the Empire
1299 - Amatino Manucci - Florentine merchant, developed the first known financial records that included all major components of double entry bookkeeping
1494 - Luca Pacioli - Publication of Summa, which included the first full description of the Italian method of double entry bookkeeping
1772 - Josiah Wedgwood - Industrial Revolution entrepreneur that developed innovative cost
accounting records following a severe recession
1854 - William Cooper - Early founder of a Big Six firm, important to the development of
the British accounting profession
1920 - Donaldson Brown - GM CFO developed the "modern" cost accounting system used
by industrial giants to control vast operations